Defects and advantages of glass bottle packaging cosmetics

A perfume bottle is Peugeot, of course, but the fact is what makes it so attractive? All kinds of styles, decorating the supplier BeautyPackaging thinks that there are countless ways to do it.
Although the glass bottle is a rich and absorbable packaging material, it can give the quality dynamics that cannot be conveyed by other types of materials. However, it is still difficult to pack the cosmetics with glass bottles. For example, adhesion and wear resistance, especially for perfume bottle packaging. And the general non-conformity of the glass will also result in an attack. Some experts also pointed out that the outline of all glass is very unsatisfactory, and because glass is often more noble, scratching is a result, requiring special packaging to avoid wear. In addition, the glass is still very noble, so the transportation costs are also very high.
Hermés' Terred'Hermés is also decorated by Saint-Gobain Desjonquéres, which is characterized by an impressive rectangular concept on a large piece of glass with a wide slab. The orange screen-printed word "Terred' Hermés" was placed in front of the glass bottle and raised the "H" engraved into the base of the glass bottle in Hermés. The lotion and aftershave bottles are frosted glass.
Some experts also believe that the most sought-after trend in glass bottle decoration is still inorganic spray (organicspray). For example, Elizabeth Arden's BritneySpearsFantasy perfume bottle has a metallic luster of purple and is obtained by a spray color process. The industry's assistants believe that most customers are still using frosted glass bottles because it can hide the defects on the glass.
The American Glass Packaging Association also believes that the trend of another glass decoration is to color the brand to delay. For example, Estee Lauder's DKNY's BeDelicious was finally packaged in a light green glass bottle. In line with the Valentine's Day and Father's Day promotions, Estée Lauder has launched red and amber glass bottles from scratch. RalphLauren's PoloCologne also hopes to create a brand identity asset through its Polo-signed green bottle. It launched a dark blue bottle under the name PoloBlue and defined it as a cologne for men who are casual and generous.


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